Lab Sessions

Welcome to the RoboLab Autumn Course!

This lab for DSE and NES master students is offered every year in the winter semester and is done partially in small groups. Problems in the field of computer science will be solved by using practical programming tasks. The students will gain skills in programming and first experiences in project and team work. After a brief introduction, the students then have time until the end of the year to solve a given task independently. Tutors will provide consultations and help the students.


There are two RoboLab courses!
This course is offered for DSE and NSE students only.

Module: INF-NES-C-LabS Lab Sessions (NES)
Module: INF-DSE-20-E-RLS RoboLab Sessions (DSE)


  • The schedule for the upcoming winter term is available now.

  • Please create an account at our Gitlab instance

    • Use your TU-Dresden login for the Gitlab registration (Tab TUD-Login)!

Info - 22.11.2024

  • I’ll not be available and responding to emails from 25.11. to 27.11.

Info - 07.10.2024

  • Semester schedule is available now
  • An Opal registration is required in order to participate!
    • Slides will be uploaded there only!
  • Make sure to register on Selma for this module on time!