v2025.1.1 (04.03.2025)
- OS: New image version v2.6.6
- FAQ: Updated WiFi-Password
- Some updates and changes to Spring/Autumn
v2024.5.2 (07.10.2024)
- Autumn: Preparations for WS24/25, first part reworking assignments
- Spring: Updated INF modules to Selma (from jExam)
v2024.5.1 (07.05.2024)
- Spring: Updated information on grading
v2024.5.0 (18.04.2024)
- Spring: Added dates until SS25
- Menu: Renamed courses sub-pages
- Menu: Added space after both courses
v2024.4.6 (09.04.2024)
- Spring: Summer term preparations
v2024.4.5 (22.03.2024)
- Spring: Updated explanation on intelligent exploration
v2024.4.4 (22.03.2024)
- FAQ: Added a lot of Q&A to WSL and MacOS ssh problems
- SSH: Added in-depth manual for MacOS solving Keychain problems
- Some smaller fixes (typos, linking)
v2024.4.3 (08.03.2024)
- Spring: Added key map helping to understand the planet maps
- Git: Removed legacy mention of HTTP connect option (SSH only)
v2024.4.2 (05.03.2024)
- Spring: Clarification on “compulsory attendance”
- Spring: Small fixes and wording
v2024.4.1 (29.01.2024)
- Updated version to new format (CurrYear.major.minor)
- Spring: Updated page organization with information regarding enrollment from SS24 on
v4.13-2024 (20240104)
- Spring: Added jExam manual for finding our courses
v4.12-2023 (20231216)
- Spring: Updated page organization with new regulations
- Spring: Updated page exam with new regulations and mandatory milestones
v4.11-2023 (20231107)
- FAQ -> Added solution for unexpected MQTT messages (Brick timing issue)
v4.10-2023 (20231102)
- Spring -> Added two new study courses
- Autumn -> Small content updates
v4.09-2023 (20231101)
- Spring -> Updated information on WS23/24
- Autumn -> Content updates
v4.08-2023 (20230831)
- Spring -> Small updates to doc
- Spring -> Preparation for WS23/24
- Autumn -> Preparation for WS23/24
v4.07-2023 (20230626)
- Spring -> Updated deadlines and regulations on withdrawals
v4.06-2023 (20230323)
- Spring -> Fix old exam information in “Movement”
- FAQ -> Added SSH solution for MacOS
- OS -> Updated version to v2.6.5
v4.05-2023 (20230315)
- Dev -> Corrected Python3 version on bricks to v3.9
- OS -> Updated image version and changelog
- FAQ -> Added brick default password
- Hardware -> Updated example for ColorSensor “RGB_RAW”
v4.04-2023 (20230313)
- Spring -> Wording for color calibration changed
- Spring -> Small fixes
v4.03-2023 (20230216)
- OS -> Updated image version and refined documentation
v4.02-2023 (20230214)
- Spring -> Updated exam regulations
- Spring -> Added reference to mandatory algorithm implementation for calibrating colors
v4.01-2023 (20230210)
- Pages -> Moved from adoc to md
v4.00-2023 (20230206)
- Template -> Upgrade to newer and maintained version
v3.30-2023 (20230202)
- Spring -> Some language improvements
- Autumn -> Winter term 2022-2023 updates
v3.29-2022 (20221124)
- Autumn -> Some updates on assignment and exam pages
v3.28-2022 (20221005)
- Autumn -> Published schedule
- Spring -> Fixes typo in dates
v3.27-2022 (20220901)
- Spring -> Added full schedule for study year 2022/2023
- Spring -> Intelligent exploration description has seen another update
v3.26-2022 (20220825)
- Spring -> Rewrite of Odometry part
v3.25-2022 (20220805)
- Spring -> Updated some organisational information (exam, organization)
- Spring -> Added schedule for winter term 2022
v3.24-2022 (20220403)
- Spring -> Communication: Removed old
message type in favor of camelCase version - Autumn -> Added schedule for summer term 2022
v3.23-2022 (20220330)
- Spring -> Updated schedule for SS22
v3.22-2022 (20220325)
- Spring -> Communication: Updated JSON schema with links to full explanation of messages
- Spring -> Communication: Updated pages of messages (can now be copied by single click)
v3.21-2022 (20220323)
- Replaced MQTTfx with newer MQTT-Explorer
- Updated IDE recommendation and dropped “explicit” support for VSCode (do not use)
v3.20-2022 (20220320)
- Spring -> Communication: Added
(in camelCase), oldtestplanet
still works (but will be removed in the future) - Spring -> Communication: Updated Python example
- Spring -> Odometry: Updated SVG and formular
- Renamed area “Equipment and Parts” to “Hardware”